Dev Rampage - Adventures in coding and sleep depravation

Ahoy all! Mister Tom Bones, he's always rattlin'! Below is a daily account of our adventures during our ten-day game development sprint. Things may be confusing and/or poetic, but that's what a lack of sleep and too many energy drinks will do for you. Day Zero Old friends saying hello rarely say much, there is a knowledge of decades and the core of the person. A head nod of greeting and we are off. We plan our expedition loosely, knowing that every step forwards can break progress behind us. But first, we must find comfortable and quality accommodations. My initial scouting had found what was a promising option, but upon closer inspection, the fruits were unripe and the others distasteful. We find ourselves at a fine establishment for tacos through a brief detour. It all seems so simple Day one As we set upon our quest for fame, fortune, and functional code we find ourselves in a land once familiar to us but...