
Showing posts from January, 2025

Swinging with the beat

 Ahoy all you sky-bound buccaneers!      A big target of ours is variety in our games and making more than one way to play and be good at any task. While games like hydronautics , carpentry, and sailing have enough room for a variety of styles, ones like gunnery and sword-fighting are harder to reimagine. Sword-fighting is particularly difficult as it involves multi-player.  We had a bit of a brainstorming session back at PAX and we're putting together a new Sword-fighting variation- this one will be a rhythm game! Rhythm games are a great break from regular puzzling and should be an excellent match for sword-fighting. They can be exhausting to play for a long period of time, but sword-fighting has a shorter play and it can increase in speed for increasing challenges.  Right now we are looking at using some key parts of the rhythm game WACCA. The circular zone makes for an excellent play area that should be great for a mouse, touch, or controller. The c...

Match 3's and Multiplayer

  Ahoy, all you sky raiders! New logo!  We are officially a full-time game company! It took a little longer than we wanted, but for this year we'll just be working for ourselves, and trying to keep ourselves from going insane. I've been full-time for a few weeks now and have already been working on re-hashing the bilge game, and Russ' last day at his old job was last week- so now we're both full-time game developers! Honestly, we're both excited and anxious, but trying to focus on the excitement. I'll be trying to keep you all as up-to-date as possible, though if the choice is between finishing some game programming or posting an update or video, I'll land on the game programming. Speaking of programming- over the holidays I started building the bilge from scratch. The original had some good points, but there were some deep-rooted bugs and design issues that I wanted to address. I'm already two thousand lines of code deep and have addressed multiple ...