Made of Bricks

Made of Bricks Greetings fellow raiders! A Message from Lead Developer Russ: As we mentioned in the last post, the past two weeks have been focused on migration to Unity 6. One of the things we knew going into this was that our framework thus far had been pieced together in a “get it working, fix it later” fashion- and that wasn’t going to be sustainable moving forward. With that in mind, we made the decision to build a solid foundation that is robust, flexible, easier to build on top of, and will better suit our needs moving forward. This was one of those choices where the only downside is the time it would take to create. And now here we are, knee deep in getting everything laid out properly. Prior to this, we would see problems come up and just find a band-aid solution so we could push forward. Now we have a better knowledge of how to avoid many of those issues through better planning and execution. It’s been amazing to have the time and space to properly nail down and r...