
Adventures in PAX Land

The following is a breakdown of the trip to Seattle and PAX West: PAX West - Day 0 Seattle      After getting up at 4 am for the trip to the airport, I was a little blurry as I went through the travel routines. The cat was unhappy at being woken up early and that I wasn’t paying her enough attention.  The flights were largely uneventful except for one thing:      While boarding my second flight,  the flight attendants started passing out square blue plastic packages. As they whipped them out to every man and woman at point-blank range, I was taken aback at the bold move from the airline. I know they take protection and safety seriously but I didn't know a condom would be needed for this flight! A missed opportunity for a mile-high club joke…      After sitting down with a multitude of strange scenarios in my mind I examine the package a little closer. Flipping it over reveals the truth:      Having never received sanitizing wipes immediately upon entering a plane before, a whole ot

No More Small Steps

“It's a big step” “You don’t get very far with little steps” -Conversation with my parents (they're very supportive) Ahoy all you sky pirates!      I know, I know, its been awhile without an update. There are reasons for that both professional the personal. Between Russ and I our workload at our day jobs picked up and forced us back to an hour or so a week if we were lucky and not burnt by our corporate day jobs. All of that is going to change however… Come December RXR will be our full time profession!      I am selling my home in Texas and using the proceeds to fund this project, there’s enough for at least a year of full time development. Given our current state I can only hope that’s more than enough to get something that can be played by all of you sexy beasts lovely people.      I won’t lie: I`m taking a leap, a big step and it scares me. But that’s why I`m doing it. We all need to do things that scare us, that’s how we grow and make things happen. Take big st

Dev Rampage - Adventures in coding and sleep depravation

Ahoy all! Mister Tom Bones, he's always rattlin'!      Below is a daily account of our adventures during our ten-day game development sprint. Things may be confusing and/or poetic, but that's what a lack of sleep and too many energy drinks will do for you. Day Zero      Old friends saying hello rarely say much, there is a knowledge of decades and the core of the person. A head nod of greeting and we are off. We plan our expedition loosely, knowing that every step forwards can break progress behind us. But first, we must find comfortable and quality accommodations. My initial scouting had found what was a promising option, but upon closer inspection, the fruits were unripe and the others distasteful. We find ourselves at a fine establishment for tacos through a brief detour. It all seems so simple Day one           As we set upon our quest for fame, fortune, and functional code we find ourselves in a land once familiar to us but foreign as well. Our own footprints and those