The Dream

Ahoy all! The progress has been steady towards our Alpha deployment. As we are tantalizingly close to this first major step, I look to the future. So here’s my dream, should we have a little luck, for what Project Airbags will be in five years time. Potential Games Studios has become a well known developer studio. After our massive success with airship pirates we were catapulted to international semi-stardom. Representatives from the team travel to gaming conventions and a rabid fan base has developed. We routinely drop new seasons, as well as sprinkle in special events. We have a dedicated team of developers who are in regular contact with some of the most powerful players, we take in ideas and suggestions and create content from it. Our new major development is allowing players to create their own content, giving them tools to create everything from clothing, to weapons, full ships, and islands. The players from YPP have formed a core of players that both helped u...