Getting in the groove
Ain't my art, but its pretty! |
Glad to see so many still checking in on us as we had a bit of a slow summer. Life, love, and drugs got in the way, but who needs those things when you’re making a game! Our current status is still Alpha - we found serious bugs to crush that were preventing gameplay from working correctly.
Thankfully many of them have been knocked out quickly and the few that remain cower in fear as they know their days are numbered.
We’ve also been down a few developers from life changes, and we don’t have any exclusive rights to their time. Not everyone can have millions and still not make a game (looking at you Star Citizen). Even so, we were able to make progress and improvements on many game aspects. Including things like UI elements, visual effects, and sound effects. None are perfect but that’s why this is a developer blog, not a review of a finished game.
One of the most major changes we will be making is to change our focus from a mobile game, with a PC aspect, to one of PC first with a mobile companion. Since we were already making both this will not be a big change, but it will allow us to focus where our strengths are. The biggest changes are of course related to the camera and UI. . Changing from a 16x9 to a 9x16 is a lot trickier than it sounds and exposes a lot of UI sizing issues.
New 16x9 |
Current 10x16 |
We are targeting to have our beta ready for PAX East, a game developers convention. We will run it during the convention, and maybe keep it running depending on how many bugs we find! I do want to do a ‘prize’ option for people to play and earn some swag by being the highest scorer or bug finder. We`ll have to see how I might be able to pull that off with our resources and time. I know a lot of you are overseas too so I would want to include your participation.
Future blogs will be more conceptual pieces, discussing lore, looking ahead and things like that. I will be doing videos showing our progress, those will be a better indication of where we are at when they are posted.
As usual, join us on our discord, watch a few videos and check our website for the latest!
Fair winds sky-pirates!
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