Life after the cataclysm

Ahoy, all you sky raiders, When not busy with other tasks I like to indulge in a little storytelling. This helps me solidify my ideas and expand the universe in my mind. Hopefully, these will turn into lore documents, added into the game as collectibles, or just info on load screens. I like the more narrative style for these as it leaves a level of mystery and is just from the impressions of the people in the game. In this little except from an in-game character they explore how life returned to a destroyed world. R.J. Lloyd - Empyrean Scribe and Explorer -excerpt from A Former Scribes thoughts on the World - Vol. II "…and so the world was shattered. Little to nothing of the previous one exists, but the new world is full of life. Plants and animals, and some things maybe in between, are on every island and flying in the air currents. So the question is, where did they come from? This has been a question since the first people were revived, though the imp...