
Showing posts from August, 2024

No More Small Steps

“It's a big step” “You don’t get very far with little steps” -Conversation with my parents (they're very supportive) Ahoy all you sky pirates!      I know, I know, its been awhile without an update. There are reasons for that both professional the personal. Between Russ and I our workload at our day jobs picked up and forced us back to an hour or so a week if we were lucky and not burnt by our corporate day jobs. All of that is going to change however… Come December RXR will be our full time profession!      I am selling my home in Texas and using the proceeds to fund this project, there’s enough for at least a year of full time development. Given our current state I can only hope that’s more than enough to get something that can be played by all of you sexy beasts lovely people.      I won’t lie: I`m taking a leap, a big step and it scares me. But that’s why I`m doing it. We all need to do things that scare us, that’s how we grow and make things happen. Take big st