Plans and roadmaps
Ahoy all you sky pirates,
I cannot set exact dates but with us becoming a full-time game company we're looking forward to putting actual games in your hands. To that end, here’s a rough guideline of our roadmap:
Phase I
Ships talking to server
Players talking to ships
Base puzzle games working
Pipeline for code once, build 3 times
All business backend sorted
Migrate everything to RXR
Setup project tracking
Update company logo
Phase II
Puzzles in a playable state
Launching individual apps of puzzle games - Stations and pillages - Tavern games as stretch
Server framework stood up
Remove ad functionality for mobile
Discount code ability (remove adds on all games) Single-use code that we track uses on
Self promo ability
Clear with Legal
Steam Page that apps can point to
Weekly social updates
Show to devs
Phase III
- Player account persistence
Player rankings stick
Puzzles should be locked- only scoring adjustments
Shop & Inventory to be tracked
Start marketing
Press Kit
Sizzle reel
Show in public (Whole ball)
Version I (First Release)
Pillaging & Piracy
Simple Groups
Tavern games polished
Funny hats
Ship upgrades & supplies
Things to be added after release:
Open World with closed economy
Economy & Ownership
Governance & Command
Currently, we`re closing up phase I and heading to phase II. The upgrade to Unity 6 has presented a few new challenges that we’re mounting. Namely switching to a multiplayer we won’t have to do as much work to maintain. This is a bit more work now but promises to be a lot less to maintain later. Letting us focus on more important game-play-related things, ya know, the fun bits you`ll actually enjoy.
We will be putting together our puzzles individually for your pleasure. This means you'll have the chance to practice and show off before we get the first pilly going!
The roughest part of launching any game is those first few weeks; massive stress, tons of reviews, many late nights and empty cans (energy drinks for Russ, beer for me). Our biggest fear is launching a game that isn't ready for everyone's enjoyment. That can not only feel like we're letting everyone down, but can give the game a hard start that's difficult to overcome. The game industry is littered with the corpses of games that were launched too soon.
So we're going to take our time, and without the pressure of a publisher, we'll chart our own path. We've had a lot of experience working for others who poorly launched software/games/businesses that had great ideas but were poorly tested and pushed too soon, and are using that to guide our process away from disaster.
We'll also be able to pull data from your performance in these puzzles so we can set reasonable ratings and scoring. And we’ll give anyone who plays them a starting rating and some early rewards!
When we begin the countdown to full launch we'll also be looking to reward those who have made some records and achievements with the individual puzzles. Unique badges, special outfits, even some discounts or freebies.
First up: Bilge (Name to be changed later!)
Much like how this whole project started, it's the flagship puzzle that will be first deployed. The Match 3 simplicity will make it easy for everyone to step into, but the goals and play are different from other Match 3 games.
We'll also add multiple modes and experiment with play styles. These will include some more like the original, and some we intend to be a quick break from the monotony to keep you engaged.
With the topic of pumping water comes the inevitable question: Why do flying ships need a bilge!?
Next post: Ships and Shards
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